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Easy Advanced Linked List code

Advanced Linked List operations

Several operations of Advanced Linked List are designed in this code. In this code we have used several important functions related to Linear Linked List. As all these functions are bit logical and advanced that’s why this code is named as Advanced Linked List. Using dynamic memory allocation concept memory is occupied. This is a very simple code where we have used all the important functions for implementing Advanced Linked List execution.

For Such more codes click here and for video tutorial click here.



typedef struct Linked {
  int val;
  struct Linked * next;

lnk * insertbeg(lnk * , int);
lnk * insertend(lnk * , int);
lnk * insertatpos(lnk * , int, int);
lnk * del(lnk * , int);
void disp(lnk * );

lnk * insertbefore(lnk * , int);
void insertafter(lnk * , int);

int main() {
  lnk * head = NULL;
  int ch, v, p;
  while (1) {
    printf("\n1) Insert End\n2) Insert begining\n3) Insert at Position\n4) Insert after a certain node\n5) Insert before a certain node\n6) Delete\n7) Display\n8) Exit");
    printf("\n Enter your choice : ");
    scanf("%d", & ch);
    switch (ch) {
    case 1:
      printf("\nEnter the value to be inserted : ");
      scanf("%d", & v);
      head = insertend(head, v);
    case 2:
      printf("\nEnter the value to be inserted : ");
      scanf("%d", & v);
      head = insertbeg(head, v);
    case 3:
      printf("\nEnter the value to be inserted : ");
      scanf("%d", & v);
      printf("\n Enter the position where to be inserted : ");
      scanf("%d", & p);
      head = insertatpos(head, v, p);

    case 4:
      printf("\nEnter the value after which you want to Insert : ");
      scanf("%d", & v);
      insertafter(head, v);
    case 5:
      printf("\nEnter the value before which you want to Insert : ");
      scanf("%d", & v);
      head = insertbefore(head, v);
    case 6:
      printf("\n Enter the element to be deleted : ");
      scanf("%d", & v);
      head = del(head, v);
    case 7:
      printf("\n Values in the linked list are : ");
    case 8:
      printf("\n Wrong choice ");

lnk * insertbeg(lnk * h, int g) {
  lnk * temp;
  temp = (lnk * ) malloc(sizeof(lnk));
  temp -> val = g;
  temp -> next = h;
  h = temp;
  return h;

lnk * insertend(lnk * h, int g) {
  lnk * temp, * ptr;
  temp = (lnk * ) malloc(sizeof(lnk));
  temp -> val = g;
  temp -> next = NULL;
  if (h == NULL) {
    printf("\n This is going to be first/head node");
    h = temp;
  } else {
    ptr = h;
    while (ptr -> next != NULL)
      ptr = ptr -> next;
    ptr -> next = temp;
  return h;
lnk * insertatpos(lnk * h, int g, int p) {
  lnk * ptr, * temp;
  int i;
  temp = (lnk * ) malloc(sizeof(lnk));
  temp -> val = g;
  temp -> next = NULL;
  if (h == NULL) {
    h = temp;
    printf("\n This is going to be first/head node");
  } else {
    if (p == 1) {
      temp -> next = h;
      h = temp;
    } else {
      ptr = h;
      for (i = 1; i < p - 1 && ptr != NULL; i++)
        ptr = ptr -> next;
      if (ptr == NULL) {
        printf("\n There is no such location ");
        return h;
      } else {
        temp -> next = ptr -> next;
        ptr -> next = temp;
  return h;

lnk * del(lnk * h, int g) {
  lnk * pre, * ptr;
  if (h == NULL) {
    printf("\nNothing to delete");
    return h;
  } else {
    if (h -> val == g) {

      ptr = h;
      h = h -> next;
    } else {
      ptr = h;

      while (ptr != NULL && ptr -> val != g) {
        pre = ptr;
        ptr = ptr -> next;
      if (ptr == NULL) {
        printf("\n No Such element");
        return h;
      } else {
        pre -> next = ptr -> next;
  return h;

void disp(lnk * h) {
  while (h != NULL) {
    printf("%d,", h -> val);
    h = h -> next;

lnk * insertbefore(lnk * h, int v) {
  lnk * ptr, * pre, * temp;
  int p;
  printf("\nEnter the value of the inserting node:");
  scanf("%d", & p);
  temp = (lnk * ) malloc(sizeof(lnk));
  temp -> val = p;
  temp -> next = NULL;
  if (h -> val == v) {
    temp -> next = h;
    h = temp;
  } else {
    ptr = h;
    while (ptr -> val != v && ptr != NULL) {
      pre = ptr;
      ptr = ptr -> next;
    temp -> next = pre -> next;
    pre -> next = temp;
  return h;

//insert a node after a particular node

void insertafter(lnk * h, int v) {
  lnk * ptr, * temp;
  int p;
  ptr = h;
  while (ptr -> val != v && ptr != NULL) {
    ptr = ptr -> next;
  printf("\nEnter the value of the inserting node:");
  scanf("%d", & p);
  temp = (lnk * ) malloc(sizeof(lnk));
  temp -> next = NULL;
  temp -> val = p;
  if (ptr != NULL) {
    temp -> next = ptr -> next;
    ptr -> next = temp;
  } else
    printf("\nvalue not found");

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